In this episode
Introduction: 0:00
- Laura Frederick, Founder and CEO of How to Contract and Managing Attorney at Laura Frederick Law, joins the podcast.
- Hosting ContractsCon, an in-person and virtual event in Las Vegas.
- Formerly working as Senior Commercial Counsel at energy and renewable companies like Tesla, SolarCity, and more.
- Laura on working in Singapore and Hong Kong early in her legal career.
Why Laura chose contracts as her core practice area: 5:52
- Laura on coming into law from a humanities background.
- Finding contract language to be an exciting challenge.
- The flexibility of business documents.
Drafting contracts for energy and renewables: 10:17
- Laura on working in multiple industries at law firms.
- Looking for a 9-to-5 job during her third pregnancy.
- Getting a crash course on the business of energy.
- Dealing with contracts that go way beyond energy.
Laura’s favorite types of deals: 13:54
- Laura on equipment and manufacturing contracts.
Contract drafting tips and tricks: 15:39
- Laura on diving deep on legal concepts.
- Gaining operational insight.
Considering a more generalist role: 17:50
- Laura on realizing she doesn't want to be a general counsel.
- Leaning into the parts of your job that you love.
- The source of her passion for commercial contracts.
- Being driven by service and a love for words.
Common mistakes during contract drafting: 23:19
- Laura on saying the same thing multiple times.
- Big consequences for repetitive language.
How to negotiate more effectively: 25:10
- Laura on understanding your risks.
- Leveraging your bargaining power.
Tips for breaking a negotiating log jam: 27:59
- Laura on moving forward without pushing through.
- Keeping it professional.
- Preserving the relationship between all parties.
Lessons from mentors: 33:03
- Laura on A-level effort for A-level work.
- Tempering your effort based on the importance of each deal.
- Deciding when not to negotiate a contract like an NDA.
- Finding the exceptions when NDAs need to be negotiated.
Founding How to Contract: 36:39
- Laura on anxiety and fear as drivers.
- A lack of good training for core contract skills.
- Launching her own law firm in 2019.
- Starting a training business after posting daily on LinkedIn.
- Relaying her experience to others before she retires.
Leaving Tesla to make the leap to business owner: 40:06
- Laura on finding safety in owning her own business.
- Understanding that job security is always false.
- Finding clients through LinkedIn.
Focusing on mental health: 44:19
- Laura on the importance of therapy.
- Challenging your systems of control.
- Finding the time to see a therapist.
Finding Laura’s businesses online: 51:10
- Reaching How to Contract at
- Learning more about ContractsCon at
- Contacting Laura directly on LinkedIn.
Rapid-fire questions: 54:08
- Laura on her favorite part of the day.
- What Laura wishes she’d known as a young lawyer.