From FBI Dreams to Big Tech Legal: Alice Bisgrove, VP & Associate General Counsel, Procore
In this episode
Introduction: 01:07
- Introducing Alice Bisgrove, VP & Associate General Counsel of Procore Technologies.
- Closing a solid year and meeting or exceeding the targets.
- Working on corporate strategic planning.
- How can salespeople make life easier for commercial layers?
Moving into the tech field: 04:36
- Trying to join the FBI and failing the background check.
- Working in the non-profit sector.
- Finding a role with a tech startup.
- Recognizing your passion for energy, creativity, and innovation.
- Finding a job at Cisco in the commercial legal department.
- Accepting the positives of being passed over for a role.
Sensing when an applicant is hungry to work: 09:57
- Detecting energy and enthusiasm.
- Approaching questions as an opportunity to show your excitement.
- The advantages of hiring an applicant for whom the job is slightly out of reach.
Staying curious as a corporate generalist at Cisco: 11:01
- Starting as a commercial lawyer
- Being encouraged to move to different departments within the legal department.
- Learning more and branching out.
- Getting to move around, learn new skills, and understand the business at Cisco.
Driving alignment after identifying a major problem: 15:03
- Being a part of the team that helped the company transition from hardware to software.
- Examining legal problems before expanding into bigger issues.
- Tackling problems from the bottom up to find a solution.
- Being willing to share the credit in order to nurture collaboration and partnership.
Building trust with stakeholders in your business: 20:24
- Understanding who your key allies are.
- Being invested in building relationships.
Finding ways to maintain customer centricity: 21:42
- The advantages of being formed as a lawyer in-house.
- Understanding clients and building long-term relationships.
- Owning a solution to a problem, then handing it off.
Transitioning to Procore Technologies: 25:46
- Desiring to use the knowledge she gathered at Cisco in a new setting.
- Going public with Procore.
- Diving into cross-functional projects.
- Analyzing the problem together and identifying how to function better.
Working cross-functionally: 27:38
- Creating a unique opportunity to build a team from scratch.
- Learning from other people and own mistakes.
Book recommendations: 32:11
- The Candy House by Jennifer Egan.
Advice to younger self: 33:54
- Relaxing and allowing things to unfold.