Execute simple, secure and compliant contracts using Aadhaar eSign

Streamline your processes using the best end-to-end contract management platform for India
Trusted by

Fully compliant, verified signatures

Our Aadhaar eSignatures are backed by a qualifed certifying authority, eMudhra - licensed by UIDAI

Sign in minutes

Use only an Aadhaar number, and the associated mobile number or email to execute the entire document

Intelligent Workflow Automation

Create workflows for your specific use case. For example, you can mandate stakeholder approval for certain contracts before signing, or define a signing order for key contracts.

Audit Trail

SpotDraft automatically logs any changes made to contracts before, during or after they have been signed.

Never miss an update

Get instantly notified on contract delivery, opening and execution - so you never miss an update.

Unlimited signatories

Add as many signatories as needed for each document and choose where they need to sign 
Legally Compliant
Instant Signing
Unlimited signatories

"SpotDraft has helped the legal team seamlessly collaborate with other teams. It has helped us be on one page and accelerate processes."

Brenda Yun Perez
Senior Legal Operations Manager

"During our search for a CLM tool, we evaluated around seven options. We chose SpotDraft for its decluttered interface and ease of use, particularly for our business teams."

Aditi Kapoor
Director, Legal, Gameskraft

“SpotDraft is leveraging generative AI to increase efficiency. This is helping us with diligence and also housekeeping for our contracts. Overall, with SpotDraft’s cutting edge features, it means less manual work and more meaningful legal work for our team”

Natasha Wilson
Head of Legal

“We have great feedback from our sales team, being able to produce consistent contracts in a timely manner. SpotDraft has also been able to streamline the approval process and help business teams gain visibility into the contracting process.”

Micah Nessan
General Counsel