Creating a CLM that truly works for you depends on how well you can configure the tool to meet your unique needs and priorities. Customizing your platform unlocks an efficient and secure CLM experience that aligns seamlessly with your business goals.

Our new Activity Log Filters enable users to quickly locate specific contract actions, saving valuable time. IP Whitelisting strengthens security, allowing only authorized users access to sensitive data. Additionally, our Timezone and Date Format settings help global teams align contract timestamps and formats to regional standards, reducing confusion and enhancing collaboration.

Efficient Information Retrieval with Activity Log Filters

Contracts go through many changes, and each action—like edits, approvals, or status updates—is recorded in the activity log. While this tracking is essential, finding specific actions or notes can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

With the new activity log filters, users can select specific types of logs they want to view. Whether it’s viewing only recent comments or approvals, this feature narrows down the activity log. This filtering allows users to locate the information they need, quickly.

Restrict access to SpotDraft based of Allowed IPs

For any organization, data security is a top priority, especially when it comes to sensitive contract information. Unrestricted access to your CLM platform can be a risk, as it allows logins from any IP, leaving your contract data exposed to potential unauthorized access.

SpotDraft’s IP whitelisting feature lets administrators limit access to the platform based on trusted IP addresses, adding an extra layer of security. This feature ensures that only authorized users from specific networks can log into the system, protecting your contract data from unauthorized access attempts.

Choose Timezone, Date and Date-Time Format on your Contract Document

Global businesses have their stakeholders worldwide who often collaborate on contracts across regions, each with its own standards for time and date formats. SpotDraft’s updated timezone and date format settings considers this distributed workforce.

Previously, timestamps in SpotDraft defaulted to display a standard date format and UTC timezone, requiring users to mentally convert them to their local standards—a small but frequent inconvenience. To address this, we’ve introduced customizable timezone settings, allowing Contract Document to display time and dates based on specific legal entities and geography preferences. For example, your US entity might prefer mm/dd/yyyy while your UK entity opts for dd/mm/yyyy.

These timezone and date format settings apply to key areas, including:

  • Date signed fields in executed contracts
  • Audit trail in executed contracts
  • Dates when previewing a template contract
  • Date fields in generated template contracts

These configurations do not impact dates in the SpotDraft UI itself, such as those in activity logs, filters, or repository views.

With these new features, SpotDraft ensures that users have the power to optimize their contract management experience—simplifying operations, securing data, and enhancing team productivity.

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