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Automate complex processes and tasks

Always use the most up-to-date, approved template

Set up and share dynamic contract templates that adjust based on questionnaire responses. Your team can generate error-free contracts simply by filling out a form.

Create contracts within your team’s favorite tools

Create and share contract templates directly from Salesforce and Hubspot. Auto-populate deal details, request approvals, and much more without switching platforms.

Skip the back and forth with intake forms

Use forms to collect all necessary information upfront when someone uploads a new contract. Automatically integrate the responses to provide key context for third party paper.

Reduce time for contract approvals 

Create approval workflows that automatically route contracts to the right stakeholders. Set up custom rules to design a process that ensures timely reviews, no missed steps, and minimal delays.

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Get ready to automate your contracting processes


We’re here to help with any questions you have.

What is SpotDraft’s Workflow Manager?

How does Workflow Manager improve contract management?

What are the different types of workflows available in SpotDraft?

How does Workflow Manager help in automating contract approvals?

Can I integrate Workflow Manager with other tools my team uses?

How can I ensure my team uses the most up-to-date contract templates?

How do intake forms work in SpotDraft’s Workflow Manager?

Where can I find more information on setting up and using Workflow Manager?

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SpotDraft Gmail Plugin: Bringing robust contract workflows to your Inbox

Did you know you can now upload contracts to SpotDraft directly from your Gmail inbox? Here's how the SpotDraft Gmail plugin makes this possible.
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