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Here's the latest updates for April 2024

Repository Updates

Unlimited columns accessible through horizontal scroll

You can access more information on your repository view by adding more than six columns. To accommodate the increased number of columns, we're introducing horizontal scrolling capability.

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Instant search matches 

Discover instant matches highlighted right within the relevant columns of your repository as you search.

Easier AI-Powered Contract Review with VerifAI

Introducing Review Links on VerifAI - an easy way to share your custom contract review playbooks with your teammates.

At SpotDraft, our business teams use a Legal-approved VerifAI guide to review NDAs self-serve, without needing Legal intervention!

Don't believe us? Try it out for yourself here. Simply upload an NDA, and watch VerifAI work its magic.

Get in touch with your CSM if you'd like to try VerifAI for yourself.

Workflow Manager Improvements

UI improvements : Questionnaire section

The question builder has moved to a side sheet and we have made it a lot more intuitive based on user feedback. 

UI Improvements : Default party information section 

We've added a new Party Information section to our questionnaire builder, replacing the previous 'Manage Basic Info Questions' section to enter details such as your company entity, signatory, and counterparty information. 

Other Workflow Manger improvements you got to know!

  • Your workflows details are now auto saved
  • View how your last published version of your workflow  looked like
  • Know the exact time when you last published a workflow
  • Disable download option for counterparties

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Clickthrough Updates

Optimized for  Mobile

We have optimized the display of your clickwrap agreements using Clickthrough on mobile apps. 

Clickthrough Repository

You can now add contract metadata as column fields on the Clickthrough repository.

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New Integration

New Okta Integration 

SpotDraft's SSO App is Now Live on the Okta Integration Network (OIN). With the app listing, setting up Okta will become more self-serve and will significantly reduce the implementation time.

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